Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Wednesday Night Screening: The Passion of the Christ

OLOP|YA will be gathering on Holy Wednesday Night, March 31st for a private screening of "The Passion of The Christ."

We wil be viewing it in a "Private Theater Room" at the Mansion Grove Apartments. Come as early as 6pm; the movie will start at 7pm and will last until 9:15pm.

Watching "The Passion" can be a powerful way to prepare to enter into the Easter Triduum, and to help make more salient the reality of Our Lord's sacrifice for us.

Enter through the left side door of the Leasing Office at 502 Mansion Park Drive, Santa Clara, CA 95054. Parking may be limited but you can easily park at the Rivermark Shopping Center parking lot (off of Moreland Way) and walk to Mansion Grove.

We look forward to seeing you there.

"We adore You, O Christ, and we praise You. By Your holy cross, You have redeemed the world."